Canadian Citizenship

Canadian citizenship is the legal status granting an individual the rights and privileges that come with being a citizen, such as the right to vote or run for political office and hold some jobs that need a high-level security clearance. Canadian citizenship is highly valued and sought after around the world, with Canada being known for its welcoming and inclusive society that celebrates diversity and multiculturalism.




To become a Canadian citizen, most applicants must

•     be a permanent resident
•     have lived in Canada for at least 3 out of the last 5 years (1,095 days)
•     have filed their taxes
•     pass a citizenship test
•     prove their language skills in English or French

Citizenship Test

The test shows what you know about Canada and consists of 20 questions about the rights and responsibilities of Canadians and Canada’s:

•     history
•     geography
•     economy
•     government
•     laws
•     symbols

The test questions are based off the official citizenship study guide: Discover Canada: The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship.

Dual Citizenship

The Canadian government allows citizens to hold dual or multiple citizenships. This means that if you are a citizen of Canada, you can also hold citizenship in another country or countries.
However, it is important to note that some countries do not allow dual citizenship, or have restrictions on it. So, if you are considering obtaining dual citizenship, it is recommended that you check the laws of the other country or countries involved.
Additionally, it’s important to understand that being a citizen of Canada comes with certain rights and responsibilities, such as the right to vote, the obligation to pay taxes, and the duty to obey Canadian laws. Holding dual citizenship does not exempt you from these obligations, and you are expected to comply with the laws and regulations of both countries.